Members Update – 12th December 2017
12.12.2017 from Wendy Blythe, Chair, FeCRA
Dear All
FeCRA organised a successful seminar for those involved in the Greater Cambridge Partnership Greenways Project to explore issues together informally. Mill Road Community TV recorded the seminar for us see
Please like and share, as this encourages more community filming. Donations to FeCRA toward the cost of filming are appreciated.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership have also posted details about the seminar on their website.
Francis Burkitt, Chair of the GCP Board commented his inbox was normally full of hate mail but the Greenways were different, people wanted them and they could be a good way of bringing aspects of the countryside into the city.
Histon Road update
Officer recommendations at November’s GCP Executive Board: no bus lane in residential area. They are now advocating bus priority via traffic signals with focus on improved cycling and pedestrian infrastructure for modal change. Plans to be presented to Board in March 2018. Histon Road (and other projects) have benefitted from observing procedures at Milton Road and from a major rethink by the interim Transport Director, Chris Tunstall, who unfortunately leaves in February
Milton Road update
‘Final Concept’ plans were approved by GCP Board, July 2017. Residents are disappointed that the bus lane remains which they will continue to campaign to shorten. There is no hope of total removal and the plans now await a MR LLF update in January 2018 prior to GCP decision 21st March 2018. Final design approval by the Exec Board will be 11th October 2018. Following a final consultation. Forecast completion date of MR remodelling is 2021. See:
Cambourne to Cambridge A428 Consultation update
Concerns have been raised about bias in this consultation. At a packed LLF in Coton attended by Director of Transport Chris Tunstall and GCP Chief Exec Rachel Stoppard they agreed mistakes had been made and that in order to fulfil statutory legal criteria the options out to consultation would need to include a credible on-road option in addition to the off-road route option through the Coton Corridor and West Fields. An LLF technical group will work together with the GCP on their ‘option B’ to achieve this.
New CB1 buildings proposed for Cambridge
Two new buildings proposed for CB1. A hostel with 400 beds and a multi-story car park with 210 car park spaces and aprt-hotel which will stand behind the Ibis Hotel in Station Square. Brookgate is submitting a new planning application early next year .Have your say and give feedback to Bidwells who are submitting the application on behalf of Brookgate early next year
Consultation on proposed lighting on the Driftway, Newnham ends Dec 19
There is funding for this access to Lammas Land, and it would link with the Coe Fen footpath/cycle way where there are already solar studs. There are, however, sensitive environmental issues to consider, especially the impact on wildlife as it is adjacent to a nature reserve.
At the Greenways seminar Landscape Architect Tom Turner argued Cambridge’s medieval landscapes – Coe Fen, Sheeps Green where people still graze their cattle are unique urban history, like the best art of the Fitzwilliam. Should these medieval open spaces be listed?
Hobson’s Brook corridor 10-year vision consultation ends Jan 9, 2018,
The ‘Vision’ will also be used as an evidence base to inform future local plan creation and inform decisions regarding planning applications affecting the brook..
Ditton Meadows Fence Enclosure- consultation ends Dec 21; Wed Jan 10, 6.00 – 7.30pm Chisholm Trail and Abbey Chesterton bridge LLF Barnwell Baptist Church The Local Liaison Forum is an open meeting.
Gonville and Caius College, the owners of Ditton Meadows are insisting on a fence as a planning condition for the Chisholm Trail. The meadows are currently open to the public, and this seems to contradict a key argument for the Trail that it would give people more access to open space amenity
Residents are concerned that enclosing the Meadows and fencing off cattle like this as a “landowner deal” sets a precedent for other Greenways and open spaces. Water vole habitats on Coldhams Commons have already been destroyed – a criminal offence which is now under investigation.
FeCRA raised the need for sensitive landscaping on the Chisholm Trail with the Planning Inspector
Local Blogger Richard Taylor has also drawn attention to the extent and ugliness of the fencing,
Would this be acceptable for Grantchester Meadows, Sheeps Green and Midsummer Common?
Once the Meadows are enclosed the public loses access to large areas of the meadows. The path is the only right of way. It is shocking that all these details are only emerging via the planning process; this is a civic project, we should all have been able to see and contribute to these plans during development.
You can submit representations on the planning application at …
See also:
Key contacts: Business Manager, County Planning
Tel 01223 715531
Gonville & Caius Dr Pippa Rogerson Master
Gonville & Caius Senior Bursar: Dr David Secher
Chris Tunstall Director of Transport, GCP
Lewis Herbert Leader of Cambridge City Council, GCP Board
Emma Fitch the planning officer at the County Council says
‘any comments that are sent in will be placed on the planning file and will be considered with all the statutory consultees.
Cambridge’s spaces and streets: Keeping Cambridge special workshop
Sat, Jan 13 9.00am to 1.00pm, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road,
Cambridge, Past, Present and Future say ‘Come and chat to us about how Cambridge can address the challenge of having more people moving around the city in ways that enhance the quality of life and preserve its heritage’.
The workshop will include short presentations covering issues such as Cambridge’s green spaces, sharing spaces, improving interchanges and street design. The workshop is free to attend but booking in advance is required. Donations on the day will be appreciated. Book here.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas, on behalf of all of us on the FeCRA Committee
Best wishes,
Chair, FeCRA
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