Update 27th October 2021

Dear all,

Local Plan A helpful reminder of issues before the public consultation starts. Via Mill Road Bridges.


Local Plan Consultation 1st Nov-13th Dec 2021


Do respond to the public consultation which starts on 1 November.  

Link: https://consultations.greatercambridgeplanning.org



Document Library link: https://consultations.greatercambridgeplanning.org/node/9

Site submissions link: https://www.greatercambridgeplanning.org/emerging-plans-and-guidance/greater-cambridge-local-plan/document-library/site-submissions/

  • The leafy Victorian villas along Station Road are in the frame for offices. Jesus College is the landowner.
  • Also BioMedical Campus expansion around Nine Wells and up to White Hill. Cambridge University Hospital Development partners are the owners of the land surrounding the site: Jesus College, St John’s College, Cambridgeshire County Council and the Pemberton family trust who are represented by Pigeon. You may recall MP Stephen Barclay 2017 complaint in 2017 https://www.fecra.org.uk/update-may-2017/
  • ‘MP Stephen Barclay, (http://stevebarclay.net/category/blog/  referred to both Pigeon Land and the Pemberton’s land interest in his blog post of 7 March, 2017 UPDATE MAY 2019: For clarity we’ve re-posted his letter to the Auditor General and the important statement concerning the LEP which for some reason has since disappeared from his blog site, so we’ve reposted the missing document here.’ 
  • The concerns Barclay raised about the LEP were investigated. But not all the concerns he raised.

The BioMedical expansion plans remain as controversial as ever because of the question of where all the water is going to come from. Reminding ourselves of the consultants’ report by Stantec on water resources

See also Cllr Sam Davies, Queen Edith’s presentation at Supersize Cambridge ‘Employment led growth’.


Combined Authority Board Meeting 27 Oct 2021 Agenda items included


2.3  OxCam Arc Spatial Framework Position Statement (107Kb)

  1.  Appendix 1 – Officer Response to the OxCam Vision Consultation (74Kb)

2.4  Strategic Water Issues (139Kb)

  1.  Appendix 1 – Letter to the Mayor from Future Fens Integrated Adaptation (305Kb)
  2.  Appendix 2 – Letter to Officers from Water Resources East (89Kb)

2.5  Net Zero Compliant Policies: Making an Immediate Difference (157Kb)

  1.  Appendix 1 – Climate Action Plan for the Combined Authority’s Operations (119Kb)
  2.  Appendix 2 – Actions to be Considered via the Climate Working Group and Individual Organisations (84Kb)

2.6  OxCam Arc Environment Principles (126Kb)

  1.  Appendix 1 – Shared Regional Principles for Protecting, Restoring and Enhancing the Environment on the Ox-Cam Arc (1539Kb)


Link to livestream



OxCam Arc

Antony Carpen (@ACarpenDigital) Tweeted: Responses on #OxCamArc . https://t.co/zUl40KSZu8 Starting with @LNethsingha Paper is at 2.3 of https://t.co/XaDCQkDnRA https://t.co/7EDHcHv2IU



Water issues

Antony Carpen (@ACarpenDigital) Tweeted: ” @CambsPboroCA will also become part of the Sponsor Group for the Future Fens Integrated Adaption (FFIA) Project.” https://t.co/Sx2IbtlMHX As well as joining @WaterREast



Environment Bill: Rivers and Sewerage concerns 

26 Oct Coverage on BBC Radio Cambs with Dotty Mcleod 15 mins in



Dotty Mcleod interviewed Friends of the Cam steering group : Wendy Blythe FeCRA; Alan James Chair CPRE Cambs and Peterborough ( great explanation from Alan of the issues)

and MP Anthony Browne MP

That same night, 26 Oct, peers in the House of Lords kept up the pressure on the government to enshrine a duty in law on water companies to reduce the dumping of raw sewage into rivers and seas. The House of Lords backed by 213 votes to 60 a proposal to place a new legal duty on water companies to “take all reasonable steps” to prevent sewage discharges. This came after an 11th-hour U-turn by ministers who promised they would table their own amendment into the environment bill to place a legal duty on the firm. Link below.



Climate Change Aspects of the Local Plan

Anne Miller of Carbon Neutral Cambridge writes: ‘While we need to OBJECT to the excessive number of new houses, note that Carbon Neutral Cambridge are calling on us to SUPPORT the exciting proposals under the climate change theme. This includes a policy that all new homes should be superbly insulated “Net Zero Carbon” new homes. We need to show our support for this proposal to stop it being watered down by the developers and big housebuilders.  For more information, see the Carbon Neutral Cambridge article here

https://carbonneutralcambridge.org/net-zero-local-plan/  which includes links to the climate change aspects of the Local Plan.


COP 26 Global day of Action for Climate Justice: Rally and Climate Fair 

Nov 6th Cambridge 1-3pm

Groups are gathering across Cambridge to walk together to Great St Mary’s for the 1pm start of the family friendly rally, followed by the Climate Fair at Parkers Piece 2-3pm.  Do join them, with banners, flags and placards, and something that you can use to sound the alarm at 3pm.    If you want more information, see this link https://fb.me/e/2u62nvnZB If you would like to help, eg with stewarding, email cambscop26@lists.riseup.net

This is one of over 50 simultaneous COP26 Coalition events in the UK with more in the rest of the world. For more information https://cop26coalition.org/gda/

Cambridge Residents Association Forum: Nov 4, 4:30 pm

You should have received a Zoom link from the planners for this. Let us know if you haven’t.

New digital initiatives for planning process


Best wishes,



Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA




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