Update 27th July 2024

Dear all,

STOP PRESS Last chance to have your say on the emerging Cambridge civic quarter plans

Click on link below


Deadline for responding is Sunday 28 July

Email info@cambridgecivicquarter.co.uk and/or respond to the survey on line



Thank you for letting us know your views. Regarding Cambridge market square, John Preston, historic environment consultant, is concerned that a brief for Riba Stage 1 has still not been completed. See John and Kati Preston’s letter in the Cambridge Independent. Link below.


The Cambridge Independent reported (2 July) that the suggestion of incorporating temporary market stalls into the layout of the market alongside new permanent stalls to enable events had generated a range of comments.

“We still need to determine what type of events could take place, how regularly, and at what time.”

Market trader Glenys Self, who runs the Friends of Cambridge Market, feared “the cost of a team to put up and take down the stalls could be too much for the cash-strapped council – and might force it to shut the market down.”  See link below


 In 2023 city council proposals to the CPCA for funding towards a number of strategic initiatives included £1.5m of match funding to support the enhancement of the Market Square in Cambridge as part of a central ‘Cultural Quarter’. Link below

Draft 2024/25 Corporate Strategy and Budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024/2028,

‘Quarters quite the thing these days in Cambridge’ – a new Rose Quarter. Click on link



How will Cambridge handle the tourist industry? 


The plans for the Guildhall and the Corn Exchange?


The Cambridge Independent reported (17 July) that to introduce the levy, Cambridge BID (Business Improvement District) needed majority support in a ballot of 23 hotels in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. But only six voted in favour, with 16 saying no and one vote proving invalid.

At the Sept 2023 Cambridge Market Stakeholders meeting the new Chief Executive of Cambridge BID referred to the investment bid submitted that week which she said was “commercially driven”. A recording of the meeting was not available to the public owing to technical problems but at a previous Market meeting City council officers had referred to a report on cultural events for the city centre (not available to the public).

In June The Times reported that King’s College planned to increase ticket prices for King’s College Chapel by up to 20 per cent.


The report in The Times noted that the College’s proposed financial plans stated that they were based on “reasonably good prospects” and that “particularly that surpluses can be increased from visitors”. See also a similar, Guardian report, link below


The Times noted the role played by King’s College’s memorial garden in attracting tourists.

“Prominent on the shop’s website is a book dedicated to Xu Zhimo, a King’s alumnus described as the father of modern Chinese poetry, who is honoured in a memorial garden at the college. One of his most famous poems is called Taking Leave of Cambridge Again, written in the 1920s, and it attracts many Chinese tourists to the college”.

The Times reported that “the college planned for significant and continued growth in forecast income and that their business plan stated “drivers of continued tourism from China look robust.” Link below


Are plans for the new Civic Quarter and hotels and cultural events based on the same tourism projections as those made by King’s College ? 

The company Welcome to Cambridge makes the decisions about the city centre and its green spaces as councillors have delegated decision making to officers.


Board members include representatives of:

Cambridge Bid https://www.cambridgebid.co.uk/bid-team-board-1

( BID members include Cambridge University, colleges and the business group Cambridge Ahead)

Curating Cambridge, formerly Fitzwilliam Enterprises, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cambridge University

King’s College

Cambridge City Council officers ( as cllors have delegated )

Best wishes,



Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA




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