Update 5th June 2022
Dear All,
Update 5th June 2022
URGENT Threat to Paradise Nature Reserve
Paradise Nature Reserve is a much-loved green space, part of the ‘green corridor’ that runs along the Cam River from Cambridge to Grantchester. It is not large but very accessible and popular, It is visited every day by hundreds of people from across the city, including schools, students, walkers, bird-watchers, researchers and families.
Queens’ College Cambridge is proposing to build further student accommodation in the garden of Owlstone Croft, a college residence for over 100 students. The new buildings would be for a further 60 postgraduate students, and the size and scale of the blocks would have a very serious impact on Paradise.
Apart from the harm that would be caused to the biodiversity in the fragile ecosystem here by light and noise disturbance, the buildings would be on the boundary next to the wooden boardwalk, which was installed by the City Council in order to give access for people with disabilities. The visual intrusion of large buildings dominating this narrow part of the Reserve would significantly diminish their ability to enjoy the natural environment here.
The application ref number is 22/02066/FUL, and you can view the plans on the Council’s Planning website – https://applications:greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN22/02066/FUL
Please write to object before the planning deadline of 21st June 2022 and sign the petition to Queens College
The President of Queens College Mohamed A. el Erian is co chair of
Dear World…Yours Cambridge… the Campaign for the University and Colleges. He is also a Companion of the Guild of Benefactors, Cambridge University.
The Times reported the threat to the wildlife reserve on June 3 with a short piece on page 17 by Ben Ellery.
Best wishes,
Wendy Blythe
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