Update 10th October 2022

Dear All,

Update 7th Oct, 2022
Notice of FeCRA AGM please note change of date: Tues, 15th Nov 7- 8.30pm

Details to follow.


Congestion Charge

Thank you for letting us know your views. See the questions FeCRA put to the GCP Assembly.


The Committee also asked: “Has the GCP looked at other examples of time restriction as well as charging structures? The Combined Authority has funded a project for the City Portrait a piece of work proposed by the Councils covering the whole city which will provide a baseline, outcome and metrics-based approach to supporting a future City vision. Do the Greater Cambridge Partnership plan to use the evidence from the City Portrait project in relation to the congestion charge?”

The GCP has agreed to go ahead with the consultation over its plans to expand and improve the area’s bus network by imposing a £5 road user charge on motorists driving in Cambridge. They confirmed they plan to use the City Portrait metrics.



Active Travel Strategy for Cambridgeshire Consultation deadline 7th Nov 


Consultation event Grafton Centre Wed 19th Oct, Grafton Centre 10am-3pm


GCP Milton Road Area Resident parking scheme – deadline midday Monday 14th Nov 



City Portrait 

Cambridge City Council, supported by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, is conducting preliminary market consultations with interested parties in relation to the development of a City Portrait, the vision for the city. Link below



Cambridge Market Square redevelop, Guildhall, City Centre and Green Spaces 

A seed fund ( see link below, para one) has been approved: ‘City Council managed event site for accessible concerts. This will contribute to decarbonisation and create income for Cultural Services and provide employment and cultural services in partnership with commercial business. It will be supported by investment, including a permanent mains supply power supply on site’.




Update on Environment Scrutiny Committee Meeting, 6th Oct  

Follow up questions about the June 30th meeting were asked by FeCRA and Friends of the Cam.

“Would the art panel decision about the public art consultation on the gold bank for Sheeps Green come back to the Env Scrutiny committee?” at approx. at approx 25 minutes



“What involvement does the Cambridge China Centre (owners of Market Hall) have in plans for Cambridge Market Square, the Guildhall, city green spaces and the Portrait for the City?” at 31 minutes




Decisions about city centre spaces and cultural events delegated to officers and Visit Cambridge.
Link: https://democracy.cambridge.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?Id=5255


Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee, Monday 10th Oct, 5pm, Guildhall 


Committee: Robertson (Chair), S. Smith (Vice-Chair), Bennett, Bick, Herbert, Payne, Scutt, Smart and Sweeney.

Agenda items include:

Update on the Direction of the Future Council and Organisational Design;

Future Office Accomodation

South Cambs DC Working Week Trial

Combined Authority Update. Link below



Cambridge Bid AGM


The speakers were Cambridge City Council CEO Robert Pollack  (on public private partnerships) and

Andrew Carter, CEO of Centre for Cities ( the think tank is the City Council’s External Partner and is funded by Camb University Chancellor, Lord Sainsbury. ) https://democracy.cambridge.gov.uk/mgExecPostDetails.aspx?ID=478


Investment Zones 

The govt has published new guidance on Investment Zones.




Ministers appear willing to consider Investment Zones covering SSSI’s & National Parks. The guidance includes mention of “a new streamlined planning system”. There is no mention of avoiding environmental impacts in choice of siting. Also notable by its absence is any mention of Natura 2000 sites – SACs and SPAs: designations under the Habitats Regulations the govt wants to scrap…






CPCA Mayoral Business Board have expressed interest in investment zones 

“We will want to consider, with local government colleagues, whether there are sites in our region that could be suitable as Investment Zones; which could boost productivity, investment and local employment and drive sustainable growth.” Alex Plant, Director of Anglian Water, Business Board Chair of CPCA, Vice Chair Prof Andy Neely, Cambridge University  Enterprise




Launch of new city charter by new group Innovate Cambridge




Business case for Cambridge& p 61 Quarterly review GCP Board papers June 2020

(link for the GCP Board papers https://www.fecra.org.uk/update-3rd-july-2020/ )


Autumn events via Friends of the Cam 

Guy Shrubsole – Who Owns Cambridge Wed 12th Oct , 19.00 Book via Eventbrite here

The author of ‘Who Owns England’ will tell us what he’s found on who owns Cambridge – be prepared also to learn how to become a ‘land detective’ yourself.

With all the concerns about deregulation, investment zones and loosened environmental protection:

Lisa Foster, Partner with Richard Buxton SolicitorsAn Environmental Activist’s Guide: Environmental Legislation Post-Brexit Wed 2nd Nov , 6.30pm Book via Eventbrite here

Some fun.

Liz Cotton – Last Stand on Honey Hill – Cambridge Junction 19th Nov

‘Singer, song writer Liz brings her hit show from the Edinburgh Fringe to the Cambridge Junction on 19th Nov ‘when a billion-pound private water company reveals its plans to put a sewage plant next door things go from bad to worse. Can Liz and two small Cambridgeshire villages harness the power of song to save their community – and her future?’ Link to register.



“incredible mashup of Felicity Kendal and Mark Thomas with wardrobe by Laura Ashley and vocabulary via Kathy Burke. It is a killer mix. Liz Cotton may have given me my Fringe experience of 2022″ Kate Copstick, The Scotsman ★★★★

Best wishes,



Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA




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