Update 1st July 2019
Dear all,
Update 1 July, 2019
Greater Cambridge Local Plan workshop 17 July
7.00-9.30pm on Wednesday 17th July. Venue: Shelford Rugby Club, The Davey Field, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5JJ
Cambridge residents associations and South Cambridgeshire parishes are invited to a workshop at the start of the preparation of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan:
The Local Plan is the plan for future development in the district. It identifies areas of land for development to deliver homes, jobs and services needed, and includes policies against which all planning applications are considered.
The formal stages for the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan will include:
- Consultation on high level issues and options affecting the plan, starting before the end of 2019;
- Consultation on a draft plan, in autumn 2020;
- Consultation on the final ‘proposed submission’ version of the plan, in autumn 2021, ahead of examination by an independent inspector.
Ahead of these formal stages the Planning Policy Strategy and Economy Team of Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service are holding a series of workshops in July and would like to invite you to one of these. The workshops are intended to inform you about the new Local Plan, in terms of context and future process, but more importantly to explore your reflections on the process of preparing the adopted Local Plans, and in particular your aspirations for the new plan. Your input to this workshop, alongside views expressed by stakeholders at the other workshops being held, will help inform the shape of the Issues & Options consultation being held later in the year.
Due to potential numbers Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service ask you to identify a single preferred person per parish council/residents association to attend. You may also identify a second person; depending on interest and they will confirm whether there will be space to accommodate more than one rep per group.
This is short notice and peak holiday time and a poor location for city residents. If you are not able to go and/or have any concerns or questions let us know. You need to RSVP by close on Friday 5th July by responding to
secretary@fecra.org.uk copied to ldf@scambs.gov.uk
Local Plan
Concerns expressed by residents include:
- Sustainable growth – the Combined Authority Non Statutory Strategic Spatial Framework endorses plans for one million homes in the OxCam Arc. This encourages inward migration but will it provide affordable housing ?
- The latest version of the spatial plan includes Natural Cambridgeshire, the Local Nature Partnership’s (LNP) vision for sustaining high growth and one million houses by “doubling local nature”. http://fecra.org.uk/docs/Natural%20Cambridgeshire-1.pdf
- Water – The Times reported in April the flow in the Cam was the lowest since records began in 1949. See Cam Valley Forum newsletter – “Where has all the water gone?” – link http://fecra.org.uk/docs/Cam%20Valley%20Forum%20newsletter%20%20CVF%2052-1.pdf
- How is the proposal for the North East Cambridge (i.e. sewage farm) development being coordinated with other developments in the area? https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/news/2018/07/02/developer-named-for-major-development-in-north-east-cambridge
- Densification and transport corridors, the scenarios for sustaining high growth proposed by Cambridge Ahead’s CPIER Strategy involve loss of green spaces. How will this impact the city’s wildlife corridors?
Biodiversity Emergency motion. p 5, link below.
- The impact of mass tourism – see link below https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-announces-new-tourism-sector-deal
- The quality of what is being built
GCP Citizen Assembly Stakeholder Workshop, Tues 2 July – note Invitation only
This autumn the GCP will hold a ‘Citizens’ Assembly’, where citizens supported by an expert advisory panel will make recommendations for public transport for the GCP Board to consider later this year.
Residents have expressed concerns to us about the democratic deficit of the process and the rationale used to select stakeholders to the workshop. FeCRA have therefore not accepted the invitation to the workshop. The Sortition Foundation who are involved in the recruitment process for citizens advised us the funding bid was facilitated by Cambridge based communications company Cofinitive and a transport member of GCP’s community sounding group.
Full council meeting Thursday, 18 July, Guildhall, 6.00pm
Best wishes,
Wendy Blythe
Chair, FeCRA
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