Update 29th March

Dear all,
Update 29 March 2019
FeCRA Event next Friday 6.30 – 8.30 at The Perse School , Hills Road.  ‘Making an Inclusive City’– with top planner and city expert Robin Hambleton and a panel of leading experts. The event is open to all to attend. It is helpful to know how many are coming so that we can organise for that. Book here:
Biodiversity, climate change and social justice are key issues for the FeCRA event. Yesterday the Wildlife Trusts released their official campaign trailer for nature’s recovery . Their Wind in the Willows film features voice overs from David Attenborough and Alison Steadman. See below.
The panel for the FeCRA event includes Brian Eversham, Chief Executive of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northants Wildlife Trust.  He has blogged about climate change, extinction and the mass public protests that have gained so much support across the country, many of them led by school children. The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT)  is challenging the government’s failure to commission a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or a Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) as part of the process of selecting a ‘Growth Corridor’ (within which the OxCam Expressway and associated housing will be built).
Coldhams Common has a management plan to conserve and enhance its existing wildlife. But in order to mitigate the damage caused as a result of construction of the Chisholm Trail the City Council are having to spray the Common with herbicide and reseed it.
See last two
In the letter to the Planning Inspector we requested that the scheme respect the character of the Common and be informed by professional landscaping design and ecological expertise.
Failure to detect the presence of lizards means that costs have jumped to £14million.
Market Square and City Centre Plans- Cambridge Future High Street Fund
Thank you for the response regarding the application to the Cambridge Future High Street Fund. The swift, citywide feedback was amazing.  The response incorporated that. See link below. 
GCP Choices for Better Journeys Consultation – closes tomorrow
Have you all filled in the consultation yet?  The deadline is midnight tomorrow, Sunday, 31st March 2019.  See link below to survey and documents
Cursor down for link for the brochure and other documents.
NB:  Don’t be put off by the first question – they want people who travel WITHIN Cambridge to complete the survey as well.
GCP – Cambourne to Cambridge Consultation
A reminder that the deadline for this is also tomorrow, Sunday 31 March
See link below. There are environmental impacts to take into account regarding this scheme too.
An-Lac House petition – deadline 5 May, 2019
We have been asked to share a link to the petition to save An-Lac House, a unique care home and community centre for elderly Vietnamese people. You will see that they are very reliant on the County Council’s funding, which is under threat at the moment. See link below.
Cambridge Past Present & Future – Hobson Trail proposal
Cambridge Past Present & Future have asked us to alert you to a Hobsons Trail they are planning for National Civic Day. This will identify local landmarks starting from the ancient chalk springs at Nine Wells along Hobson’s Brook to the Conduit on Lensfield Road along the runnels on Trumpington Street into the Market Place fountain and bring together local groups who would organise local ‘hubs’ along the route.
Best wishes,


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