Update 11th December 2023

Dear all,

A reminder

FeCRA AGM event 13th Dec 6.30pm, then the award-winning film: 


In association with Friends of the Cam: Venue St Philip’s Church Centre, 185 Mill Road Cambridge CB1 3AN See trailer https://purecleanwater.film

Film was voted Golden Punt Best Documentary Feature at the 42nd Cambridge Film Festival.

Producer-director Tony Eva’s film is a celebration of what makes Cambridge special, while highlighting serious concerns. Following the film, Tony and a panel will answer questions and discuss the implications of his film’s findings.

The event opens at 6.30pm and the film will be screened from 7-8pm, followed by Q&A and discussion until 8.30pm.  Click this Eventbrite link to book.

The film, not yet available on general release, was a sell out at the Cambridge Film Festival. There will be food and drink at the event after the FeCRA AGM. 

The FeCRA AGM is at 6.00pm before the main event at 6.30pm 

Meeting papers are available on the FeCRA website and include recordings with slides from last year’s talks. Only members of a Cambridge Residents’ Association may vote at the AGM.

Funds for investment in Cambridge – New Cultural Quarter

The city council proposals to CPCA for funding towards a number of strategic initiatives to address inequality and boost the city’s cultural provision include £1.5m of match funding to support the enhancement of the Market Square in Cambridge as part of a central ‘Cultural Quarter’

Draft 2024/25 Corporate Strategy and Budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024/2028,

‘Quarters quite the thing these days in Cambridge’ – a new Rose Quarter. Click on link


At the Sept Cambridge Market Stakeholders meeting the new Chief Executive of Cambridge Bid referred to the investment bid submitted that week which was “commercially driven”. Unfortunately the Council say the recording is not available owing to technical problems. But at a previous Market meeting officers referred to a report on cultural events for the city centre.


Anglian Water ban on River Users and navigation rights

Regarding plans for the new North East Cambridge city quarter and the relocation of their sewage works to the Cam green belt, the Council’s development partner Anglian Water told inspectors at the Public Inquiry they want a permanent ban on River Cam users and navigation rights. Click on link below for recording https://x.com/LizcottonCotton/status/1720057295457890563?s=20

Plans for Hills Road – Lensfield Rd City Centre 


Queens College academic on Cambridge plans 


Update on proposals impacting Cambridge’s  trees

Questions 1 and 2 at the full Council Meeting about what tree protection there is and outcome of Public Inquiry into Queens College Appeal and impact on Paradise Nature and officers’ reports



St Matthew’s Trees saved from the chop


Update on 22/05556/FUL 198 Queen Edith’s Way clearance of a garden removing all evidence of trees, shrubs and wildlife 

(see https://www.fecra.org.uk/update-29th-october-2023/


The planning committee voted (4-2) to defer the matter due to the need for information or clarifications on a range of aspects, including:

– the biodiversity assessment;

– hedgerow protection;

– application site ownership;

– the requested protected species bat survey from 20 June 2023;

– Highways to comment on traffic, street and car parking impact on what is currently land that is part of the Netherhall School site.

Youtube link below (starts around 5:12:35): Well worth watching, especially support given by Cllr Robertson.


Working together we can all make a difference.

Victorian villas to be demolished and trees cut down for new St John’s College postgrad accommodation


“The college cited including subsidence which would impact a conversion. A planning officer said some of the trees due to be cut down were already “in conflict” with the villas”.


Felling of street trees 

Section 115 of the Environment Act 2021, which requires Local Highway Authorities in England to consult before felling street trees, came into force on 30 November 2023


Councillors heard a presentation from GCP this week on tree felling plans for leafy Madingley Road. GCP have written to stakeholders to say comments need to be in by 12th Jan 2024 after which “CCC as promoter” will apply to Dept of Transport. It is not clear yet how many street trees are to be felled for GCP/Cambs CC’s Madingley Road Scheme and how this scheme ties in with the Cycleway Plus plans for Queens Road/the Backs. However we are hearing from many residents who are concerned that Cycleway proposals for Madingley, Barton and  Fendon Roads and other roads on GCP’s list of Cycleway Plus plans include trees and verges loss.

Questions have also been asked if the Cycleway Plus plans that include the Backs/Queens Road are the inner ring road one way system with a proposal for a bus depot on Queens Green, that was mooted previously.



Plans for Cambridge city centre junction 


City Deal Funding- concerns of local govt due diligence expert Andrew Rowson


“Questions about the governance and transparency of City Deal grants are not frivolous, and local electors are entitled to seek assurances that their money is being properly managed in a transparent fashion.  The fact remains that there is a yawning £47m hole in the transparency of how City Deal grants have been spent (£10.9m in 2022/23 alone)”

In 2017, North East Cambridgeshire MP Stephen Barclay raised concerns about the transparency and governance of the former Greater Cambridge/ Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Links below.




See also https://www.fecra.org.uk/update-may-2017/

Best wishes,


Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA




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