Update July 11th 2018

Dear All,

Update July 11, 2018

Making Space for People Consultation (SPD) Deadline is next Monday 16 July at 5pm

This will form the basis of a public consultation for Supplementary Planning Document to go out to consultation in 2019 and is funded by the GCP. When adopted the SPD will be a material planning consideration for proposed developments in the city centre.


Potential changes to:

  • the way people move around Cambridge city centre on foot, by bicycle and public transport.
  • walkways, cycleways, roads and open spaces.
  • new uses for public spaces in certain parts of the city centre

Ideas and comments can be submitted on an interactive issues and opportunities map and by completing a short survey

Or here:


Don’t forget to say what you like and value as well as what you want to see improved. The survey covers Mill Road, Queens Road/The Backs as well as the Market and historic centre. Deciding a strategy for how people move round the city centre requires reliable data about origins and destinations and historic environment capacity and what kind of city centre. It is important controversial decisions aren’t “sprung on people” and there is genuine consultation. This was a particular concern of the small businesses and market traders who signed the letter sent to the GCP a year ago by over fifty community groups.

Milton Road

The Final Concept came before the GCP Exec Board last week and was approved for Public Consultation in September. Questions were asked about size of trees and verges, money for public art and about the data for the scheme’s business case.

The Milton Road discussion and questions start here, beginning with Cllr Scutt’s report from the Milton Road Local Liaison Forum: 


Histon Road

The public consultation ended July 2 with results due in September.  Histon Road residents hope there will be an opportunity for the LLF to provide input before the GCP Joint Assembly meets ( September 20th). In the meantime the LLF Chair has received copies of  Histon residents’ written replies to the Consultation (see HRARA newsletter attached fyi).

Madingley Road/Coton

Plans for the Busway are on hold. Judicial review proceedings are also in place between Coton Parish Council and the GCP.

Barton and Haslingfield Greenways Consultation Deadline August 20, 2018.

 If you missed the consultation event at the Cambridge Rugby Club there is another one.

17 July 2018 5:00pm – 7:00pm – click on link below

Grantchester Village Hall Public Engagement Event – Barton & Haslingfield Greenway’s consultation


There is also an interactive map on the ‘places’ tab below which will enable you to leave comments and feedback on specific areas of the proposed routes.



You can find more information on the two Greenways routes at :



Knowing the consultation was due Jean Glasberg and Lynn Hieatt, on behalf of South Newnham Neighbourhood Forum, met with the Greenways Project officer. They advise:


“An important question remains about the final destinations for the Greenways project as a whole. Future employment centres are not in the city centre but at the West Cambridge site and the BioMedical  campus.  To aim for Mill Lane, as originally suggested, would require widened paths across Coe Fen and Laundress Green; these are special areas and they should not become cycling super-highways.  Routes to the West Cambridge site that begin either at the edge of the city Boundary, or perhaps go down Grange Road, could work well – there need not be just one destination.


“Regarding completing the form, which includes quite a wide area so some of the questions are framed in very general terms, i.e. they ask whether you would support widening of the path ‘on Barton Road’. Barton Road is a long road, and the places that the path needs widening are outside the city limits, where it is narrow and dangerous, and over the M11 etc  it may be better therefore NOT to tick that box at all, to avoid the answer being logged as widening throughout the entire length. Instead, there is a comment box later on, which asks about destinations. Other comments can be added in this box, including that the path needs widening beyond the city limits.


Workshop on “Long-term vision of housing development in the Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough City Region”

Following an ‘urgent’ email to Milton Road RA and Histon Road RA reps to fill workshop places,  three RA members attended a workshop organised to look into the long-term vision of housing development in the Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough city region.


The workshop operated on Chatham House Rules and included an introduction from Phd student Lauren Stabler and Professor Aled Jones (tutor/supervisor) from Anglia Ruskin Institute of Sustainability. The Research Team will produce a ‘2060 Housing and well-being Visioning Document’.


Other attendees:  a Foxton Councillor, Suzanne Hemingway (Strategic Director, Cambridge City Council, Jonathan Brooks (City Council, Urban Design Team), Emma Fletcher (Developer, Hill), Antony Carpen,  Cyclists reps, one environmental rep and two City Council house tenants.

Cambridge University Land Economy Department MPhil Research

Last year some members of Milton Road RA were interviewed by MPhil students of Dr Nicola Morrison, Land Economy Dept/ Cambridge Ahead/CPIER regarding their experience of the City Deal. On request they have received a report on the research. This is not public.

Some of you contributed to the survey organised by another Land Economy MPhil student on people’s views of the CB1 redevelopment as a gateway to the city.  Did anyone hear back or get a copy of the report? Let us know. Land Economy MPhil research features in tomorrow’s conference organised by the University Land Economy Department and its Real Estate Research Centre. Attendees include Kate Barker, member of the National Infrastructure Commission and Chair of CPIER  (see link below).


FeCRA Response to Cambridge and Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER)

See link to the response FeCRA submitted to CPIER – http://www.cpier.org.uk/in the document section of the FeCRA website. http://fecra.org.uk/documents/

Thank you for all the information and feedback over the last year.  Keep it coming and share your concerns.

Best wishes,


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