Update 22nd February 2022
Dear All,
Update 22nd February, 2022
Consultation for replacing 50 metres of the bank of the River Cam at Sheep’s Green with a gold sculpture
Deadline for comments, Sunday 6th March 2022
Email publicart@cambridge.gov.uk
Art Project background
- Commissioned in 2018 funded by S106 developer contributions
- Steering group handling the project are the Cam Conservators and the Museum of Cambridge workingwith Nadine Black, Public Art Officer at the City Council https://www.camconservancy.org/conservators
- The Conservators include 7 reps for the Councils, 2 reps for Environment Agency (one is a member of Cam Valley Forum Committee) and 2 reps for Cambridge University
- The Conservators recently outsourced responsibility for the river’s upkeep to River and Rural led by the organisation’s former river manager, Tom Larnach. He is still the Clerk for the Conservators until a replacement is found
- https://www.museumofcambridge.org.uk/about/trustees/
- Project artist Caroline Wright and agent https://www.artsadmin.co.uk/project/to-the-river
If you have any questions or concerns we suggest you copy your response to City leaders and members of the project steering group.
Chief Executive Cambridge City Council
Council Leader Anna Smith anna.smith@cambridge.gov.uk
Cambridge City Council Conservator reps include Cllr Mike Sargeant,West Chesterton email mike.sargeant@cambridge.gov.uk
Mr Al Storer
Cllr Katie Thornburrow Exec Cllr for Planning email katie.thornburrow@cambridge.gov.uk
Mr Tim Wotherspoon ( former Cllr for Cottenham)
Cambridgeshire County Council rep
Cllr Anna Bradnam Milton and Waterbeach (Deputy Chair of Conservators email anna.bradnam@cambridgeshire.gov.uk .
Environment Agency reps
Mr Paul Separovic, Waterways Environment Team Manager at the Environment Agency, Peterborough email paul.separovic@environment–agency.gov.uk
Mr Clive Brown, Cam Valley Forum Committee
Cam Conservator Observers include
Mr James Macnaghten, Chairman and owner of Scudamores
Following the concerns that residents and Friends Groups have already expressed to FeCRA the Committee has submitted the response below, copied to the CEO of Cambridge City Council and Anna Smith, Council Leader and members of the steering group.
“With all the concern about the River Cam and the publicity about sewage residents say it is extraordinary that an artist has been funded to produce a sculpture replacing 50m of natural river bank at Sheep’s Green, with a gold sculpture They say that the river and its native plants are beautiful and speak for themselves .
Cambridge’s famously ‘rus in urbe’ setting and its river with cows on the meadows is celebrated all over the world as something that is unique and special.
People are asking who are the residents and city leaders that the artist has been communicating with? They are certainly not any of the active local groups: Residents Associations, Friends groups including Friends of Paradise Nature Reserve, Friends of Sheep’s Green, Friends of Queen’s Green, South Newnham Forum or indeed Friends of the Cam or FeCRA.
There appears to have been a real failure of communication and consultation about land use and the River Cam and a complete misunderstanding of how people value the river and its landscape in our nature reserves. We need to protect this fragile natural river bank and its biodiversity from intrusion by damaging and artificial structures.”
Award winning author James Boyce talks about his book The Fight for the Fens Tomorrow, Wed, 23 Feb at 7.30pm
Are you worried about the damage the land grab of common land and treasured landscape is doing to community, cultural identity, farmers, rivers and wider nature? This is something that has been going on for hundreds of years.
Friends of the Cam invite you to come and hear award winning author James Boyce talk about Imperial Mud: The Fight for the Fens, tomorrow evening Wednesday, 23 February at 7.30pm (on line) and stay for what promises to be an interesting discussion afterwards! Please register here, and they look forward to welcoming you!
Best wishes,
Wendy Blythe
Chair, FeCRA
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