Update 3rd October 2021

Dear all,

Supersize Cambridge event 7th October 6pm – 7.30pm 

Eventbrite link to register

All welcome. Please share with your friends and networks.

Professor David Rogers – a distinguished Oxford University Ecologist – will talk about the OxCam Arc context for Supersize Cambridge.

The Panel of Cambridge speakers

Sam Davies, Queen Edith’s Community Forum – Employment-led growth

Andrew Milbourn, Hurst Park Estate Residents’ Assn (HPERA) – North East Cambridge: are we being ‘greenwashed’?

Monica Bjok Hone, Friends of the Cam – Is this the death of our river?

Professor Tony Booth, Educationist – ‘A visitor destination’: scoping nature for investment?

John Preston, Historic environment consultant & Kati Preston, Cambridge Market Community – City Centre and Market: who is the heart of Cambridge for?

Antony Carpen, Community historian – Cambridge 2065 : whose vision?


18-00 – 19:30. A Zoom link and instructions will be sent to all ticket holders in advance of the meeting. Please arrive well before the meeting starts to allow time for everyone to join. The meeting starts at 18.00 so please log in by 17:45 and wait to be admitted.

  1. Minutes of the last AGM *
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Accounts*
  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Oxford ecologist Professsor David Rogerswill talk about the OxCam Arc and the million homes context  for Supersize Cambridge
  6. Cambridge Speakers


*Meeting papers will be available on the FeCRA website https://www.fecra.org.uk/fecra-minutes/  Only members of a Cambridge Residents’ Association may vote at the AGM.

FeCRA Committee

Committee members have taken an active part in many issues across the city over the past year and put forward points which have been raised with us by residents. We have plenty of opportunities for more people to become active members  and we welcome ideas and support. So please get in touch if you are interested and if you have any questions send them in advance to secretary@fecra.org.uk and we will try to ensure they are discussed. If not, we will follow up.

We are looking to forward to welcoming you to the Supersize Cambridge. event. This is interesting event with great speakers. Some key points to make sure things run smoothly: 

  • Please check in early at 17.45 so the meeting can start on time with all participants present.
  • You can switch between speaker view/gallery by using the icons in the top right-hand corner of the screen
  • Please ensure that you are muted throughout.
  • You will have the opportunity to use the chat to ask questions.
  • Please be aware that we will be recording this meeting.

Local Plan 


See last newsletter https://www.fecra.org.uk/update-21st-september-2021/


Update on global interests see 


The Financial Times reports ‘The University of Cambridge is to introduce guidance for upholding academic freedom and national security in nternational agreements after it came under fire for its links with China



Update on housing numbers see 



Update on regional water plans

OFWAT has announced the proposed 50,000 MI ‘Fens Reservoir’ can proceed to RAPID Gate 2. Potential locations now need to be identified and environmental impacts assessed. See link.



Plans for City Centre, Market Square; Silver St Toilets 

Consultation launch for 6 – 17 Sidney Street;18 – 19 Sidney Street; 21 Hobson Street 4 October 



Guildhall, Corn Exchange; Don PasqualeCambridge Market 

At a recent meeting the Strategic Director of Cambridge City Council told members of the Cambridge Market Community (Traders, Community Reps, Historic Environment Consultant,Friends of Cambridge Market and Cambridge Living Streets) that in addition to Cambridge Market Square the Guildhall and Corn Exchange are also in the frame for a change of use and/or sale.


The Cambridge China Centre owns the former Don Pasquale Restaurant on Cambridge Market Square.



The  China Centre is ‘a strategic partner’ of Cambridge Bid. Cambridge Bid ( board members include Cambridge City Council and Cambridge Ahead0 is a member of the Wider Cambridge Visitor Consortium along with the Councils, Cambridge University (via Fitzwilliam Enterprises) and King’s College the owners of Grantchester Meadows.




Silver Street Toilets (listed Silver St Bridge ) 19/1167/FUL



Plans for the toilets on the listed Silver Street Bridge by Queen’s College return to the planning committee 6 October, 10 am.


See Friends of Queens Green working party notes. These notes refer to: water usage; high number of squat loos despite the fall in tourist numbers ; views; willows tree link below



Comments of South Newnham Neighbourhood Forum. See link below



Best wishes,



Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA





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