Update 19th June 2019

Dear all,

Update 19 June, 2019

There are a number of transport and non statutory spatial and natural capital initiatives related to the next Local Plan and sustaining a high growth strategy.

Doubling Nature – A Vision for the Natural Future of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough in 2050

Natural Cambridgeshire have drawn up a vision for the Natural Future of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough in 2050. This is based on the Cpier Strategy and the Combined Authority’s plans for building one million homes in the Oxford Cambridge Growth Corridor (see below, p 236 of link ).

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Non Statutory Strategic Spatial Framework (starts p236 of link below)

The Spatial Framework was not considered at the Combined Authority meeting but Natural Cambridgeshire advise it will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Local Transport Plan

Consultation for this ends Friday 27 Sept 2019. See link below.


Cambridge venues :

Thu 11 July, 1pm-6pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard

Wed 24 July, 2pm-7pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard

Sat 14 Sept, 10am-3pm, Cambridge Central Library, Lion Yard

Online questionnaire can be completed here.

Email: send an email to LTP@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk

Greater Cambridge Partnership – Landscape and Ecology Group

Members include: Historic England, the Environment Agency, the Wildlife Trust, Natural England, the National Trust and Cambridge Past Present and Future. At the South East Transport Corridor LLF plans were shown for the Gogs that included suggestions for environmental opportunities. The Cambourne to Cambridge project update to Coton Parish Council included similar suggestions for mitigation.

Bin Brook Wetland Scheme

Cambridge Past Present and Future have commissioned Norfolk Rivers Trust to help them deliver a wetland scheme for Bin Brook. They are working with Anglian Water on the project.

The Cam and Ely Ouse Catchment group is co-hosted by Anglian Water,a Board member of Cambridge Ahead and the Rivers Trust. The group is comprised of many organisations including Cambridgeshire County Council, the CLA, the Environment Agency, National Farmers UnionNatural England, the RSPB, and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.


GCP non-motorised users group

This group has been looking at green infrastructure connectivity and transport plans.

Melbourn and Sawston Greenways Consultation closes August 5

In 2016 the Greater Cambridge Partnership commissioned a consultant to review twelve routes to improve cycle, walking and equestrian links from villages around Cambridge into the city.


See links below



Sawston Greenway includes a proposal for a Long Road roundabout.

GCP Citizen Assembly Scoping meeting-Tues, 2 July 2019, 6.00 – 8pm 

The GCP  has received funding from Government to run a Citizens’ Assembly this autumn on city centre access and congestion. The scoping event is invitation only. Let us know if you have been invited.

West Central Area Cttee tomorrow, Thursday, 20th June 7pm

GCP Updates – Camborne to Cambridge; Choices for Better Journeys

Venue Wesley Methodist Church, Christ’s Pieces, CB1 1LG View directions

Nominate your favourite park

Cambridgeshire has been chosen as one of only ten authorities to receive funding. See link.


Development plans-public consultations

The Flying Pig, 104- 112 Hills Road, Initial public consultation events, Thursday 27June, 5.00 to 8.00pm  and Sat 29 June, 10am to 1.00. The Lobby, Betjeman House, 104 Hills Rd. https://www.104-112hillsroad.co.uk/

There is a petition to save The Flying Pig pub https://www.change.org/p/cambridge-city-council-to-refuse-conservation-area-consent-to-demolish-the-flying-pig-public-house

Worts Causeway – GB1, Commercial Estates Group, developer of the land north of Worts’ Causeway “Netherhall Gardens”, Wed 3rd July, Netherhall School, Dining Hall 4pm – 8pm.

Regarding Worts Causeway, and promoters and sites submitted previously, see also http://fecra.org.uk/update-may-2017/

Other plans affecting local villages will have an impact

Gonville and Caius College have submitted development plans for land north of Duxford for a business park


Hinxton – there are two large developments going through planning plus there are plans for a new North Uttlesford Garden Community:

Smithsonhill Agritech Park near Hinxton- an inquiry is currently in progess.

North Uttlesford New Garden Community.  The Inspectors’ hearing on the UDC Local Plan is underway.

Sanger Wellcome Trust at Hinxton – there are also plans for expansion

Huawei Spicers site development between Whittlesford and Sawston. Initially to employ around 400 people.

See also:


Two fun events to celebrate Cambridge’s watery past and relevant given this region’s impending water shortage.

Friday 21st June: 18.00 ‘Hodson Not Hobson’- Join Allan Brigham in discovering John Hodson, the Cam, and his riverside Folly


Meet: Laundress Green – opposite punts at The Mill pub, Mill Lane. End: Coe Fen: Hodson’s Garden & Folly. Cost: £8.00 ( under 16 free) Just turn up, but places are limited Allan says, so please book in advance to guarantee a place: townnotgowntours@btinternet.com

Sat 22 June: The Hobson Trail: Nine Wells to the Market Fountain

As part of National Civic Day, Cambridge Past Present and Future are celebrating Hobson’s Brook. Come along to one of the free activity hubs along the brook or walk the whole route (4 miles) from Nine Wells to the Market Fountain. See link below.


Best wishes,



Wendy Blythe

Chair, FeCRA




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